When tax time rolls around, you may be wondering if your health insurance premiums are tax-deductible. The answer is maybe, depending on various factors, including how you get your coverage, whether you’re self-employed, whether you itemize your deductions, and how much you spend on medical costs, including your health insurance premiums.
This article will explain how tax deductibility works for health insurance premiums, including how the rules differ depending on whether you’re self-employed and how much you spend on medical costs.
Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance
Most Americans under the age of 65 get their health insurance from an employer. Employers pay a portion of the premium (in most cases, the large majority of it). Employees pay the rest.
In almost all cases, the premiums that people pay for their employer-sponsored coverage are payroll deducted pre-tax. (Note that this is not the case for domestic partner benefits; if the employer allows employees to add their domestic partners to the group health plan, the premiums are not paid pre-tax and the value of the partner's insurance is considered taxable income.)
Since there’s no “double-dipping” allowed, you can’t deduct your health insurance premiums on your tax return if they were already paid with pre-tax money throughout the year (meaning deducted from your paycheck before your tax withholdings are calculated).
Since most non-retired Americans are paying their health insurance premiums with pre-tax dollars throughout the year, they aren’t also taking a tax deduction for those premiums when they file their tax returns. But for people who buy their own health insurance, it’s a little more complicated.
If you are self-employed, the health insurance premiums you pay to cover yourself and your dependents are probably tax-deductible. This is the case as long as you’re obtaining your own health insurance and aren’t eligible to participate in a health plan that’s subsidized by your spouse’s employer (or your own employer, if you have another job in addition to your self-employment).
This is true regardless of whether you get your insurance through the exchange/Marketplace in your state, or in the individual market outside the exchange. Premium subsidies (premium tax credits) are available in the exchange, but not outside the exchange.
Either way, self-employed individuals can only deduct the amount they actually pay in premiums. As always, there’s no “double-dipping” allowed, so if you receive a premium subsidy in the exchange to cover a portion of your premium, you can only deduct your after-subsidy premium on your tax return.
Eligibility for Subsidized Health Insurance
It’s important to understand that the amount of premium subsidy you receive is related to your modified adjusted gross income (an ACA-specific calculation, which differs from modified adjusted gross income calculations used for other purposes). However, the premiums you pay for health insurance as a self-employed person are a factor in determining your modified adjusted gross income.
This ends up being a circular problem: Your premium subsidy depends on your adjusted income, but your adjusted income depends on your premium subsidy. The IRS has addressed this issue, and your tax adviser or tax software can help you sort it out.
The IRS clarifies in Form 7206 that even if you buy your own health insurance and are self-employed, you can’t deduct the premiums if you’re eligible to have coverage that’s subsidized by an employer, including your own or your spouse’s. That’s true even if you declined that coverage and bought your own plan instead.
Even if you’re self-employed, if you, your spouse, or your dependents are covered by an employer’s group health insurance plan (either your own, from a separate job, or your spouse’s or parent’s plan), the premiums you pay for that coverage are probably not something you can deduct on your tax return. That’s because they’re most likely already being paid with pre-tax dollars.
Health Savings Accounts
If you have an HSA-qualified high deductible health plan (HDHP), you may contribute to a health savings account (HSA). Your HSA may be established through your employer, or it may be something that you set up on your own, as you can have an HDHP offered by an employer or purchased in the individual market.
The contribution you make to your HSA is 100% tax-deductible up to a limit (in 2024) of $4,150 if your HDHP covers just yourself, and $8,300 if it also covers at least one additional family member.
For 2025, these limits increase to $4,300 and $8,550, respectively.
Employer-Sponsored HSA
Contributions to your HSA can be made by you or by your employer, but only the portion you contribute yourself is tax-deductible. If you fund your HSA through payroll deduction, the contributions will be made on a pre-tax basis, and that will be reflected in the W-2 you receive.
That will mean you won’t deduct them on your tax return, as they will have already been deducted from your taxable income (similar to the way employer-sponsored health insurance premiums are almost always paid with pre-tax money).
If you obtain your HDHP via your employer, the premiums are most likely already being paid on a pre-tax basis. In that case, just as with any other type of health insurance, you can’t deduct the premiums on your tax return, since the money you used to pay them wasn’t taxed in the first place.
Self-Funded HSA
If you fund your own HSA, you’ll keep track of the contributions you make during the year and deduct the total on your tax return (your HSA administrator will also keep track of the amount and will report it to you and the IRS using Form 5498-SA).
The premiums that you pay for your HDHP can also be deducted, just like any other health insurance premium, if you’re self-employed. Or, as described in the next section, they can be deducted as part of your overall medical expenses if you itemize your deductions and your medical expenses are high enough to qualify for the deduction.
If you’re enrolled in an HDHP through your employer and you’re making contributions to your HSA via payroll deduction (which is how this works for most people), you likely won’t take deductions for either one on your tax return. The premiums and contributions are probably subtracted from your paycheck on a pre-tax basis. You can ask your employer to confirm this.
Premiums as Part of Overall Medical Expenses
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows you to count medical and dental insurance premiums that you’ve paid yourself in taxable dollars (and with some limitations, long-term care insurance premiums) as part of the total medical expenses.
These expenses contribute to the 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) that has to be spent on health care before any out-of-pocket medical expenses can be deducted, as well as those exceeding this threshold.
The deductibility threshold for medical expenses was briefly set at 10%, rather than 7.5%, from 2013 through 2016. But Congress reduced the threshold back to 7.5% as of 2017, and the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, set 7.5% as the permanent threshold.
Various health-related expenses can be included in your total medical expenses, including:
- Prescription medications
- Optional surgical procedures, like laser eye surgery to correct vision
- Some (but not all) smoking cessation expenses
- Meals at a hospital when you’re there for medical care
- Pregnancy test kits
- Special adaptive telephone equipment, like a telecommunications device for the deaf (TDD)
The IRS has a list on its website.
Track Your Out-of-Pocket Expenses
Keep track of the out-of-pocket expenses you incur during the year—including health insurance premiums if you’re buying your own plan but are not self-employed (and thus cannot use the self-employment health insurance deduction). If your total costs exceed 7.5% of your AGI, you’ll be able to deduct the costs above that threshold, assuming you opt to itemize your deductions—more on that in a moment.
So for example, if your AGI is $50,000 in 2024 and you spend $8,000 on medical costs, including health insurance premiums that you pay yourself and aren’t otherwise eligible to deduct, you’d be able to deduct $4,250 worth of medical expenses on your tax return. The 7.5% of $50,000 is $3,750, so you’d be able to deduct the amount in excess of $3,750, which works out to $4,250.
But to deduct medical expenses, you have to itemize your deductions. This is in contrast to the two scenarios described above—the self-employed health insurance premium deduction and the Health Savings Account deduction—both of which can be utilized regardless of whether you itemize deductions.
This is just an overview of how the IRS treats health insurance premiums. If you have questions about your specific situation, speak with a tax advisor.
Itemized vs. Standard Deduction
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, enacted in late 2017, increased the standard deduction. In 2024, this flatly applied amount is $14,600 for single filers and $29,200 for married couples. It’s the better choice for most tax filers, but do keep track of medical expenses and compare the standard and itemized deductions at tax time.
With the higher standard deduction amounts, it’s much less likely that people itemize medical expenses. But if your total itemized deductions—including medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your AGI—are larger than the standard deduction, itemizing might make more sense for your situation. Consult with a tax advisor for guidance.
Health insurance premiums can generally be paid with pre-tax dollars. For most people, this means that their employer-sponsored health insurance is deducted from their paycheck pre-tax, and nothing further has to be done on their tax return.
Self-employed people who buy their own health insurance can generally deduct (on their tax return) the portion of the premiums that they pay themselves. Non-self-employed people who buy their own health insurance can possibly deduct their premiums, but only to the extent that their total medical costs exceed 7.5% of their income, and only if they itemize their deductions.
If you’re purchasing your own health insurance, keep in mind that you have to enroll in a plan through the health insurance exchange in your state in order to claim premium tax credits (upfront or on your tax return). If in doubt, be sure to check with a tax advisor.